

How Füm Increased Profits 4X with Factor One Marketing


How Füm Increased Profits 4X with Factor One Marketing


increase in ROAS
from Performance
Max campaigns


decrease in CPA
for Performance
Max campaigns


increase in ROAS
for non-branded
search campaigns

“The Factor One team is very effective, they over-communicate, and they are very inventive. They have a wealth of knowledge on Google Ads work which is very beneficial to us.”

Daniel Ogden,

Chier Marketing Officer, Füm

“The Factor One team is very effective, they over-communicate, and they are very inventive. They have a wealth of knowledge on Google Ads work which is very beneficial to us.”

Daniel Ogden,

Chief Marketing Officer , Füm



increase in profitability


ROAS from Performance Max campaigns

Factor One Provides

  • Transparent reporting via
    Looker Studio
  • Testing and experimenting to
    unlock new audiences
  • Ability to navigate Google ads
    policies and resolve bans
  • Expert marketing team






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US & Canada

Füm is a diffusive device that delivers natural-flavored air allowing people to quit negative habits and instill positive ones. Füm has no vapor, harmful chemicals, 4X or nicotine.

The Challenge

Driving eCommerce sales on Google Ads without remarketing

Daniel Ogden, the Chief Marketing Officer at Füm, had the herculean task of driving eCommerce sales for a product that he couldn’t remarket on the Google Ads platform.

While Füm’s device helps people kick bad habits, Google’s crawlers and staff often confuse it with vapes, leading to ad restrictions and bans that interrupt potential sales.

At first, Daniel and his team handled Google advertising in-house. However, they struggled to keep their ads up to date. They also didn’t have access to Google Ads products in beta that could potentially help them find new ways to market their devices.

For these reasons, Daniel decided to outsource their Google Ads management to a full-service marketing agency, but that agency didn’t return strong results.

Daniel decided that Füm needed to work with a Google Ads specialist, and he chose Factor One Marketing.

“Navigating Google’s restrictions and complying with ad policies are the biggest challenges for us. We struggled with a lot of ad bans due to the nature of our product.”

The Solution

A proactive Google Ads agency that can navigate Google restrictions

Daniel was immediately impressed by Factor One Marketing’s focus on data and analytics. Factor One continually kept Daniel and his team in the loop by presenting data from Google Ads, YouTube, and other platforms to them in visual dashboards and reports via Looker Studio.

Daniel also appreciated Factor One’s ability to proactively find untapped opportunities. When Google released Performance Max in beta, Factor One immediately saw its value and used it to unlock new customer segments across YouTube, Display, Search, Discover, Gmail, and Maps.

When a customer review went viral on TikTok, Füm was poised to take advantage of the spike in interest. Factor One quickly optimized branded search campaigns to find people searching for Füm’s name.

As the traffic from the branded search campaign converted into sales, Factor One identified audiences and customer segments with the highest conversion rates and added them to Füm’s Performance Max campaigns. This, in turn, uncovered even more potential customers.

The Factor One Marketing team also took on the time-consuming role of navigating Google’s complex ad policies, resolving disapproved ads efficiently to keep Füm’s ads running longer. Factor One is also working on getting Füm whitelisted so they could potentially set up retargeting campaigns.

“One of the things I love the most about Factor One is that they make sure that we’re always testing, exploring, and looking for more opportunities. Other agencies do the bare minimum but Factor One has been very explorative.”

The Result

4X increase in profits

By partnering with Factor One, Füm experienced
a 4X increase in profitability.

3 months after the viral video, Füm experienced:

  • 279% increase in Return On Ad Spend from Performance Max campaigns
  • 40% decrease in CPA for Performance Max campaigns
  • 215% increase in Return On Ad Spend from non-branded search campaigns
  • 42% decrease in CPA for non-branded search campaigns

The results were so good, Daniel became excited and stressed when Füm’s inventory began to  out. Still, he was determined to keep Füm’s Google campaigns live because they were performing so well. Factor One worked closely with Daniel to ensure they walked the fine line between generating sales via Google Ads without overselling.

Today, Füm is primed for future growth, thanks in part to their partnership with Factor One Marketing. Daniel is confident that Factor One can scale to support Füm even as it reaches new levels of success.

“Factor One helped us scale our Google campaigns and earn more profit than before.”

Get the most out of your Google advertising dollars with a partner you can trust.

Choose a partner that’s in your corner no matter what.

Get the most out of your Google advertising dollars with a partner you can trust.

Choose a partner that’s in your corner no matter what.

Lightbody Marketing


How Lightbody Marketing Partners with Factor One to Deliver More Value to Clients


How Lightbody Marketing Partners with Factor One to Deliver More Value to Clients

“When clients are primed for Google Ads, we can say we’ve got the team that’s going to make a difference to their bottom line. Then we introduce them to Factor One.”

Dave Rossborough

Owner & Chief Strategist, Lightbody Marketing

“When clients are primed for Google Ads, we can say we’ve got the team that’s going to make a difference to their bottom line. Then we introduce them to Factor One.”

Dave Rossborough,

Owner & Chief Strategist, Lightbody Marketing

Factor One Provided

  • Consistent onboarding process
  • Customized approach for every client
  • Clear roadmaps and expectations
  • Ability to leverage Google Ads changes
  • New way to steward prospective clients

The Client

Lightbody Marketing




Canada & US




US & Canada

Lightbody Marketing is a digital marketing agency that helps businesses of all sizes take control of their online presence, develop successful marketing strategies, and execute digital campaigns to reach their business goals.

The Challenge

Finding a reliable Google Ads partner

With his background in Google advertising, Dave Rossborough, Owner and Chief Strategist of Lightbody Marketing, can quickly assess whether self-proclaimed Google Ads specialists truly know what they’re doing. 

This expertise came in handy when Dave launched Lightbody Marketing in 2012. He wanted to provide Google Ads advertising services to his clients but didn’t have the bandwidth to deliver those services in-house.

When he searched for a partner, he quickly found that many agencies and contractors that professed to have deep Google Ads expertise really didn’t. Refusing to commit his clients to  underperforming Google Ads campaigns, Dave and his team decided to focus on advertising channels they could manage internally to ensure high quality.

Fortunately, this situation didn’t last long. Shortly after launching his consultancy, Dave was introduced to Factor One Marketing. From their first meeting, Factor One demonstrated Google Ads expertise that even surpassed Dave’s own depth of knowledge. Just as importantly, Factor One’s approach matched Lightbody Marketing’s commitment to consistency and transparency.

“I didn’t always feel confident recommending Google Ads to clients because the partners we had worked with in the past often couldn’t get the results we wanted.”

The Solution

Factor One Marketing: A specialized Google Ads partner

Dave was impressed with Factor One’s streamlined onboarding process from the very first client. Everything Factor One needs to run successful campaigns is clearly communicated to clients at the start of every engagement, which takes pressure off Lightbody Marketing as the overarching partner. 

At the same time, Factor One adapts their approach to the specific needs and abilities of every client. They won’t recommend a YouTube-only campaign if the client doesn’t have video assets and has no capacity to create them, for example.

Factor One also sets clear expectations with clients, both short- and long-term. When clients have a clear picture of goals, timeframes, and budgets, they’re much more likely to buy in.

The ability of Factor One to quickly adapt to changes in the Google Ads landscape also gives Lightbody Marketing’s clients an advantage. When Performance Max was introduced, for example, Factor One received early access as a Certified Google Ads Partner. They swiftly adjusted how clients built their assets and campaigns to suit this new ad type, taking full advantage of the new offering ahead of competitors. 

Factor One is generating such great results, Lightbody Marketing adjusted the split between Google Ads and social channels for some clients. Whereas most client budgets were divided 70/30 (70% social and 30% Google) before, the split is now closer to 20/80.

“Factor One was able to take Performance Max to market for some clients before most of the market had it. And still, most of the market doesn’t know what Performance Max is or how to utilize it. It’s going to be a rude awakening for them when it becomes mandatory.”

The Result

Delivering even more value to clients

Dave has numerous examples where Factor One Marketing helped Lightbody Marketing deliver strong results for clients. In one instance, a client in a competitive industry grew from a six- to a seven-figure business after working with Lightbody Marketing and Factor One. 

Another client used to shut down their business seasonally due to low demand. Now, they make three-quarters of the revenue they’d normally reach in their high season during “off-season” months. In fact, the Lightbody Marketing and Factor One teams are now hitting this client’s original annual goal every month!

The Factor One partnership has also given Lightbody Marketing a new way to steward prospective clients. When a client hesitates to commit to a full engagement with Lightbody Marketing, Dave will sometimes recommend they start with Factor One. Once the client achieves great results with their Google advertising, they often return to discuss a broader engagement with Lightbody Marketing.

“I often recommend Factor One to prospective clients. Factor One will run their campaigns for three to six months to build up revenue. Once that client sees the revenue, and understands my recommendation was a good one, they’re very likely to come back and ask us to advise them on everything.”

Learn how we can work with your marketing agency to deliver more value to your clients.

Choose a partner that’s in your corner no matter what.

Learn how we can work with your marketing agency to deliver more value to your clients.

Choose a partner that’s in your corner no matter what.

Suncoast Enclosures

Suncoast Enclosures Case Study Cover Page


How Suncoast Enclosures Achieved 200X Return on Google Ads Spend With Factor One Marketing


How Suncoast Enclosures Achieved 200X Return on Google Ads Spend With Factor One Marketing

“Last year, we spent just over $100,000 on Google Ads and generated close to $20 million in business. Working with Factor One Marketing is a no-brainer in terms of ROI.”

Devin Smith,

GEneral Manager, Suncoast Enclosures

“Last year, we spent just over $100,000 on Google Ads and generated close to $20 million in business. Working with Factor One Marketing is a no-brainer in terms of ROI.”

Devin Smith,

General Manager, Suncoast Enclosures



increase in new conversions


decrease in cost per conversion

Factor One Provided

  • Google Ads audit, campaign
    creation & management
  • YouTube Ads set up,
    creative & optimization
  • Performance Max campaigns
  • Expert marketing team

The Client

Suncoast Enclosures




Canada & US




US & Canada

Suncoast Enclosures manufactures and installs high-end outdoor living spaces including screen rooms, sunrooms, patio covers, and louvered roofs. The company markets directly to homeowners and also partners with dealers. Suncoast Enclosures’ mission is to help people spend more time on their decks and extend their outdoor living spaces to make them more enjoyable.

The Challenge

Attracting high-quality leads without increasing advertising costs

Devin Smith, the General manager at Suncoast Enclosures, was not impressed by the work their ‘marketing guy’ was doing.

His team didn’t receive any updates about the status of their Google marketing accounts unless they asked. To make matters worse, Devin never received any ideas on how to improve Suncoast’s marketing or new keywords that they could target.

While there were some positive results, Devin realized
that their marketing person wasn’t an expert.

With the company releasing new products, opening new stores, and marketing to dealers, Devin knew that Suncoast had to work with a marketing expert to achieve their vision for the company.

Suncoast needed to work with a proactive partner that would deliver high amounts of quality leads at a profit as the company expanded. A marketing company that could grow with Suncoast as they grew to continue to be able to meet their needs.

Enter Factor One Marketing.

“Working with us was a side thing for our last marketing guy, we only got what we asked for. If we left him alone, he left us alone and collected his monthly fee.”

The Solution

Optimizing Google Ads, Setting up YouTube Ads, and Using Performance Max Campaigns

Devin knew that the Factor One team was a perfect fit as soon as he met them. Their expertise, professionalism, and dedication to understanding
Suncoast’s business shone through.

First, Factor One Marketing audited Suncoast’s Google Ads account to plug money leaking holes and refine targeting. They built new Google Ads campaigns to promote Suncoast’s products to prospects that were likeliest to convert.

Best of all, Factor One introduced YouTube Ads to showcase Suncoast’s products in action and stir up customer desire for outdoor products. Devin is glad that Factor One connected his team with excellent video content creators.

To reduce lead conversion costs further, Factor One utilized Google’s newest ad format called Performance Max campaigns. This format allowed them to target audiences whose profiles were similar to those who had previously converted on Suncoast’s ads and find more like them. They also manage SEO optimizations and write blog posts.

When Suncoast expanded into the United States, Factor One was instrumental in setting up a successful brand marketing campaign to attract dealers across the USA.

“Factor One helped us rank our US Google My Business page on organic search results without a physical location.”

The Result

200x Return on Google AdWords

The ROI of Suncoast’s partnership with Factor One has been astronomical. The company generated $20 million in business from $100,000 in Google Ads spend.

Suncoast has seen a 600% increase in new conversions thanks to Factor One’s management of their Google Ads, Youtube Ads, SEO, and Performance Max campaigns

Devin has noticed a 91% reduction in cost per conversion and a reduction of Suncoast’s average cost per click to well below $1 with some campaigns such as YouTube running at an average of just $0.02 a view!

Factor One’s performance has been so exceptional that when Suncoast opened a new office, they didn’t consider any other forms of marketing. They knew that doing Google marketing with Factor One was going to work.

Today, Suncoast is dominating organic search rankings. Prospects say, ‘I can’t wait to build my new house and do a Suncoast Enclosure.’

“Suncoast Enclosures is a household name thanks to Factor One Marketing. We’re dominating our niche because prospects search for ‘Suncoast’ instead of competitive generic terms.”

Suncoast Enclosures gets the most out of thier Google advertising dollars with a partner they can trust.

Choose a partner that’s in your corner no matter what.

Suncoast Enclosures gets the most out of thier Google advertising dollars with a partner they can trust.

Choose a partner that’s in your corner no matter what.