Google Ads Insights

Google Ads Insights

It has been a busy year for innovations within Google Ads. One of the newer features that Google has made available in the past year is the Insights page. The Insights page gives businesses/marketers data driven information such as relevant trends, new audiences, competitor insights, shifts in performance, and more in one centralized place.

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Is Google Performance Max Any Good?

Is Google performance max any good?

Performance Max campaigns can be good. We’ve been using them almost since before they were generally available. They are heavily reliant on machine learning but are dependent on the quality of audiences you target as well as the assets you provide it. 

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What Is A Performance Max Campaign?

What Is A Performance Max Campaign

A Performance Max Campaign is a new ad format that Google made available to the general public in late 2021. It’s unique in that it uses ad assets in various combinations on all of Google’s platforms such as Google Search, YouTube, Gmail, Google Shopping, Google Maps and Google Discover.

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