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#WithMe On YouTube - What It Means For Your Business

Creating connections while apart

Humans, by nature, crave human connection. But how do you satisfy that need for connectivity when unfamiliar times drive you to stay apart?

YouTube Creators all have one thing in common, creativity. So when distancing practices began, Creators were quick to jump on a rising new video trend – #WithMe. The premise of #WithMe is quite simple- film everyday activities and encourage your audience to do them with you. While these types of videos are not necessarily new to YouTube, we have seen a substantial increase in viewership of these videos since social distancing has become the new “normal” and people are navigating how to create a daily routine.

The titles of these videos invite viewers to “Clean With Me”, “Workout With Me”, “Study With Me”, and more. If you can think of an activity, there is probably a “With Me” video for it. Among the trend, “Meditate With Me” has been on the rise for those who are feeling overwhelmed by the current situation and want to take care of their mental health. Another is “Clean With Me”, which has taken on many forms- clean with me all day, after dark clean with me, speed clean with me, & more. Many of these tasks would be considered ordinary and mundane, but Creators have found ways to make them simpler, more efficient, and more exciting for viewers- and having someone complete these everyday activities with you is much more motivating.

YoY Increase In "Workout At Home" YouTube Uploads, March 2020
0 %
YoY Increase In Searches For "Cook With Me" Videos, Jan-Mar 2020
0 %

Connecting Your Business

So how does all of this relate to you? With viewership numbers rising higher than ever before, marketing on YouTube is putting your business in front of the eyes of millions of people everyday who are watching new videos with an open mind. It’s important that you target those viewers in a way that makes sense- by connecting with their interests.

More than 40% of consumers say they have purchased products they discovered on YouTube

Source: Think with Google


One of the ways you can reach the right audience is by finding the correlation between what people are watching and what your business offers. For example, you could sell DIY landscape lighting and target videos that focus on “Garden With Me” or “Build A Fence With Me”. Although not directly correlated, many people who are watching those types of videos are looking to improve the appearance of their yard and would likely be more open to your product than a more generalized audience. The great part about YouTube ads is that we can experiment and easily change the way were targeting these audiences by gathering tons of data that can help us sort the right audience from the wrong one. 

The possibilities on YouTube do not end there, we can target based on your audience’s searches, what they’re in the market for currently, their hobbies/interests, and even life events such as marriage or purchasing a home. The beauty of YouTube is that it is such a diverse platform and any business can benefit from advertising on it so long as you have a well-defined strategy. But that’s not as simple as it sounds. We live and breathe YouTube and know exactly what content works best for a YouTube ad. If you think your business could benefit from advertising on the biggest (and best) video platform, reach out to us and we can help create the right plan for you.  

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