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Google Marketing Insights
Canadians Embrace Online Shopping
Canadian consumers have shifted their buying habits online, something unlikely to change once physical distancing restrictions are lifted. As such, retailers need to take actions now and plan long-term digital
Retailing In Uncertain Times
Currently, over a quarter of consumers can’t find the product they want or need, and nearly 3 in 10 bought brands they don’t normally buy. This is a huge opportunity
Near Me Searches
Near me searches have grown by over 200% in the last year according to an article published by Google. How can your business capitalize on this insight?
Google Ads Insights
It has been a busy year for innovations within Google Ads. One of the newer features that Google has made available in the past year is the Insights page. The
What Assets Do You Need For Performance Max?
What assets do you need for Performance Max? In order to run a successful Performance Max Campaign, there are some requirements you should have ready to go prior to creating
Is Google Performance Max Any Good?
Performance Max campaigns can be good. We've been using them almost since before they were generally available. They are heavily reliant on machine learning but are dependent on the quality
Stories Of Resilience
COVID-19 knocked down thousands of small businesses across the globe. Here are some inspiring stories of how they’re coping with running a small business during the pandemic.
Become The Market You Seek
People are more likely to consider, or even purchase, a product after seeing an ad they consider to be diverse or inclusive.
Creative Effectiveness In A Pandemic
The jury is still out on what type of messaging works in what is effectively an economic crisis. But, creating brand new ads isn't necessary.
Introducing Surfaces Across Google
Surfaces Across Google, a new feature from Google enables your ecommerce products to be seen on various Google platforms for free!
Canadians Embrace Online Shopping
Canadian consumers have shifted their buying habits online, something unlikely to change once physical distancing restrictions are lifted. As such, retailers need to take actions now and plan long-term digital
Retailing In Uncertain Times
Currently, over a quarter of consumers can’t find the product they want or need, and nearly 3 in 10 bought brands they don’t normally buy. This is a huge opportunity
Near Me Searches
Near me searches have grown by over 200% in the last year according to an article published by Google. How can your business capitalize on this insight?
Google Ads Insights
It has been a busy year for innovations within Google Ads. One of the newer features that Google has made available in the past year is the Insights page. The
What Assets Do You Need For Performance Max?
What assets do you need for Performance Max? In order to run a successful Performance Max Campaign, there are some requirements you should have ready to go prior to creating
Is Google Performance Max Any Good?
Performance Max campaigns can be good. We've been using them almost since before they were generally available. They are heavily reliant on machine learning but are dependent on the quality