Google Ads Insights

What are Google Ads Insights?
It has been a busy year for innovations within Google Ads. One of the newer features that Google has made available in the past year is the Insights page. The Insights page gives businesses/marketers data driven information such as relevant trends, new audiences, competitor insights, shifts in performance, and more in one centralized place. This feature showcases trending data and performance, so marketers can spot new and relevant information and make optimizations within the account based on these insights.
How do we use Insights?
There are many ways we utilize the Insights page as Google Ads specialists. One way we do this is by keeping on top of trends for the categories relevant to our client’s businesses. For example, we have a client who is a licensed reseller of a popular clothing brand. We can see from the Insights page that search interest for “Outerwear” started rising around mid-September and peaked mid-November of this year. Because we were able to see this prior to the rise in interest, we adjusted the campaigns to prepare for this increase. Some of the ways we did this was by moving budget to campaigns that focused more on outerwear, increasing/decreasing bids on products depending on what category they fell under, and tailoring assets to showcase that category more prominently (more images of jackets vs. short sleeve shirts, more videos filmed in fall/winter etc.).

Another feature of the Insights page is Audience Insights. This can help give you a greater understanding of what your ideal market is interested in, or what products/services they may be in the market for. The reason why this is helpful is not only because you can optimize your targeting with these audiences if applicable, but also because it can help you choose which creatives to use with real data behind that choice. For example, a home builder client has an audience insight of “Outdoor Enthusiasts”, with 58% of their clicks in the past month coming from someone who falls under this audience category. When deciding on which creatives to make/use next, they may want to showcase more outdoor photos of the neighbourhood the homes are in and nearby parks. They could also focus more of their ad copy on how close the area is to the mountains for hiking or the closest lake in the summer, for example. All these details can help connect the audience to the business in a way that is more personal to their interests and desires, and therefore increase the likelihood of them interacting with the business altogether.
In addition, there are Search Term Insights. This enables us to see overall groups of search terms that customers have used in the last 28 days. It will tell us if there has been an increase or decrease in search volume in that period, as well as how many conversions came from those terms. We can take this information and find out if we are participating in any increases in demand, or if we need to adjust become more visible in this increase. We can also optimize for specific products or service ads based on if there is an increased demand surrounding terms for it. In the same sense, there may be a decrease in demand around another product/service that we can move budget away from to better distribute budget where it can be more successful at driving conversions, without having to change the overall budget.
Can this be useful to our clients outside of Ads?
Absolutely! We meet with our clients on a regular basis to share the performance of their ads and talk about optimizations and changes that were made. One part we always like to show clients is some of the information on the Insights page. This is a great way for the client to have a better visual on their customer’s behaviour and why we make certain adjustments. The other great part is that some of this information can prove useful to the client for their business, outside of just Google Ads. If our client who sells cloth diapers knows that the demand for “Cloth Swim Diapers” starts trending in April and peaks in June, they can ensure they have adequate inventory of swim diapers prior to this increase in demand. They can also use this information to make sure any additional marketing and organic posts across all platforms aligns with this trend and with what the Google Ads are focusing on. When working with clients, we always want to ensure that our marketing efforts are flowing well with the client’s overall business goals. The Insights page is just another tool that allows us to share this useful data with the client that can help them better understand the actions of their customers and has quickly become a very useful instrument in our assisting us with our everyday optimizations within Google Ads.
Do You Want More Insights From Your Google Ads?
Curious to know what assets for Performance Max Campaigns could work for your business? Just contact us and set up a meeting and we can discuss the possibilities for your company. Our team wants to know more about your business and how we can be a valuable part of your marketing team.